Arduino picture and video links:

Yes, I also create custom projects and if you can dream it up, I can create it.             

PC to Arduino Integration:

Arduino microcontrollers are fantastic devices but have very limited pins, program and EEPROM space.

Interfacing Arduino to PC not only eliminates these problems but also provides audio, video, monitoring of triggered events,

control/override by on-screen buttons, file creation/read/write and everything else a PC is capable of performing.

A $3 Nano with the power of a PC


Here's a sample ER program video that can control puzzle devices a kilometer away: Video Link


If you have a Nano, can program it and add an LED and a resistor on a breadboard, you can give this a test drive...

1. Place the Nano on a breadboard

2. Add the 3 components and jumpers as per sketch and set aside

3. Download this zip file: VB6.zip

4. Unzip to the directory of your choice and it'll create the required directories and files.

5. Extract and run the VB6 Runtime Plus 2.2.exe file from the Runtime_files.zip file. This will install the components required to run VB6.

6. Install the Arduino IDE and CH341 driver if you haven't

7. Open the 'Main' directory and open the Main.ino file

8. Connect your Nano to COM3 on your PC and select COM3 under the IDE tools menu.

9. Upload the Main.ino sketch to your Nano

10. If you're COM3 serial monitor window is open, close it.

11. Open the VB6_Arduino.exe file

12. Enjoy!


For any questions/suggestions you can contact me here:        Contact